
We provide Speech and Occupational Therapy Services for children ages 1-21.
Please see below for a description of our services...
​Speech Therapy
One-on-one skilled therapy focused on the specific speech needs of your child. Therapy may focus on an:
Articulation Approach
Therapy focused on helping children correctly say sounds that are mispronounced so that they can achieve age-appropriate speech.
Language Approach
​Therapy focused on treating children with delays in forms of language (combining words to form sentences), content of language (meaning of words, vocabulary) and function of language (using language appropriately in conversation). Language therapy helps children answer questions appropriately, strengthen expressive language/vocabulary skills, utilize appropriate grammar, reading comprehension, listening comprehension and a variety of other things.
Voice Approach
Therapy focused on treating children who have hoarseness for an extended period of time, speak with an inappropriate pitch (too high, too low) or vocal quality (harsh, nasal, breathy)
Oral-Motor/PROMPT Approach
PROMPT is an acronym for Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets. The technique is a tactile-kinesthetic approach that uses touch cues to a patient’s articulators (jaw, tongue, lips) to manually guide them through a targeted word, phrase or sentence. The technique develops motor control and the development of proper oral muscular movements, while eliminating unnecessary muscle movements, such as jaw sliding and inadequate lip rounding.
Fluency Approach
Therapy focused on treating children that stutter. Therapy focuses on techniques to aid with correct breathing, relaxation, decreasing secondary behaviors and techniques to smooth/eliminate stuttering episodes.
Occupational Therapy
One-on-one skilled therapy focused on helping children with a physical, sensory or cognitive disability be as independent as possible in all areas of their lives.
Occupational Therapy helps:
Kids work on fine motor skills so they can grasp and release toys and develop good handwriting skills
Address hand-eye coordination to improve kids' play and school skills (hitting a target, batting a ball, copying from a blackboard, etc.)
Kids with severe developmental delays learn basic tasks (such as bathing, getting dressed, brushing their teeth, and feeding themselves)
Kids with behavioral disorders maintain positive behaviors in all environments (e.g., instead of hitting others or acting out, using positive ways to deal with anger, such as writing about feelings or participating in a physical activity)
Teach kids with physical disabilities the coordination skills needed to feed themselves, use a computer, or increase the speed and legibility of their handwriting
Work with kids who have sensory and attentional issues to improve focus and social skills